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Save Money This Winter with a Heat Pump System

While summer undoubtedly is the season most homeowners dread when it comes to their monthly energy bills, the dead of winter can also be extremely costly. Keeping your home warm can be expensive, particularly here in Ohio where frosty temperatures and below-freezing nights are far from out of the ordinary. However, nobody should have to choose between comfort and affordability, and thankfully there are options on the market that can help you avoid it. One such option is something we strongly recommend to almost every homeowner looking to replace their heating system—an electric heat pump.

How do electric heat pumps help you save money on your energy costs? In this blog, we’ll take a look at how these systems are capable of the level of efficiency they are and why they’re such a tremendous choice for customers in climates like ours.

Heat Pumps Don’t Generate Heat

You’re probably highly familiar with one of the more common types of heating equipment found throughout our region—an electric radiative heater or a gas-powered furnace. These systems all have one principle in common: they consume an energy source as fuel to create heat that is then carried around your home with a blower fan. While technology has allowed these systems to become more efficient over the years, burning fuel for heat will never be perfectly efficient. In fact, the most energy-efficient furnaces on the market are only around 98% efficient while the average home’s furnace can sometimes be even lower than 90% efficient. That’s a good amount of heat being lost just by running your heater at all.

Heat pumps are different. Rather than burning fuel to generate heat, heat pumps collect ambient, atmospheric thermal energy from the air outside your home and then compress it and carry it indoors where you need it. This principle allows a heat pump to fill your home with more warmth than a standard furnace or radiative heater with the same amount of energy. By using less energy than your older heating technology, a heat pump can save you big on your energy bills all winter long.

Heat Pumps Don’t Produce Emissions

Another great benefit to heat pumps is that heat pumps do not produce carbon-based emissions. In fact, they don’t even need to be ventilated to the atmosphere outside. Because these systems do not burn fuel, they don’t have any exhaust, and no exhaust is far better for the planet. All these systems need is a source of electrical power, and with the ongoing push for carbon neutrality in our electrical power, a heat pump’s indirect impact on the environment is shrinking as well.

A lack of carbon emissions also has another huge benefit to homeowners that can save you money: no carbon monoxide. Carbon Monoxide is a tasteless, colorless, and odorless gas that is produced when fuel burns in a low-oxygen environment. While carbon dioxide is a common part of our atmosphere that we breathe in all the time, carbon monoxide is toxic when ingested in high quantities. While furnaces do have sophisticated technology in place to mitigate the threat of carbon monoxide as much as possible, the risk is always present. Heat pumps simply don’t have to worry about this because they don’t burn any fuel to generate heat.

Heat Pumps Are Often Eligible for Rebates & Credits

Because heat pumps are so beneficial to not just the home they are installed in but our community as a whole, many heat pumps are actually eligible for benefits like rebates or tax credits. That means you can save on your upfront installation costs or even on your annual tax burden all because you made the decision to make your property just a little bit more energy-efficient. Available rebates, programs, and perks will change from place to place (city, county, or even state-wide), so we encourage you to ask your local heating pro about available programs in your area.

Learn about upgrading your home to a heat pump system and stay warmer for less this winter! Call Bay Heating & Air Conditoining at (440) 294-4954 for more information.